Sewing thoughts amid no-sew chaos.

I have hardly sewed at all in the last couple of weeks due to, well, chaos. But I have sewing related things to share and talk about so lets go with that. Bear with me though, I have a yuck headache that isn’t going anywhere 😦

Ok so firstly, I finally finished a gift my mum asked for for my sister, TWO nap kits for her. My sister is epileptic and suffers developmental delay, anxiety and headaches. These are for the car and at home. She needs to block out light when she’s asleep so they will help alot. My sister loves punky type designs but I had a rough time finding “girly, punky skulls” at Spotlight that week even though I have seen them plenty of times. The light blue worked well in the end, however, and I hear she is pretty happy with them. I am going to make her an iPod cover and headphone pouch with the left overs…she asked for those weeks ago but I had to finish the nap kits first!

In supplies news I spent last Friday in Sydney, taking my mum to get her eyes tested. It was a long day for mum and she came home very tired, but it turns out her severe eyesight problems may be able to be managed by some exercises and glasses. Its a relief but also a bit confusing considering how bad they are, so we will see what happens. While she was getting tested I did manage to duck out and do some shopping. I actually ended up in Lincraft which is hardly unique to Sydney, but I got a few great little bargains. I was excited by the below charm pack of 170 x 5″ squares for about $10!


I love the autumny colours! This will be used for my first ever quilt, when I finally get the time to look at tutes on making quilts and then the courage to make one. Or I may just sign up for a course! 🙂

I also picked up a button hole chisel to make things easier when I brave buttons soon and some more of the ever running out bias tape. I also went all girl-nerd and bought myself a Wonder Woman comic from a nearby comic book store 😛

Now for the sharing side of things!

For the lovely ladies out there who are secretly coveting a Singer 160, The Sewing Library is celebrating its first birthday and is giving one away!

This is super exciting and I am dying to win it. It’s so pretty! My machine is only 5 months old and I obviously don’t need a new one so I think I will only ever end up with this lovely if I win it 😛

I am not sure if the comp is open to Australian residents only, but head on over to the TSL Blog and check it out. The Sewing Library is an amazing Facebook group and the blog, whilst new, is also really great.

Another thing I want to share relates closely to TSL also. Lovely Renee Webb is the founder of The Sewing Library. She also founded several other sub groups such as The Thrifty Library and The Kitchen Library. She’s a hard working mumma and has entered the CosMediTour May $30,000 Giveaway in hopes of winning the opportunity to have a breast reduction. Renee deserves this SO much! Big boobies hurt 😦 Also the reason she needs this done for free is coz her hubby is about to start a mature ages apprenticeship and money will be tight. Mature aged apprenticeships are SO important to industry. Swing by and vote for Renee! It won’t spam you 🙂

I think that’s about all I have to say today. I have loads of sewing I want to get done but life and headaches are getting in the way. Hopefully the weekend fares better and I will get some sewing done, as well as give some love to my Mum, my boy’s mum, and his Nan. Celebrating all mums! 😀

Singer 160

Oh my gosh is this thing beautiful or what!

I only just got my first sewing machine and its great, but I already want to trade it in and break the bank for one of these! Its a Singer 160, and is a limited addition.

Oh well, a girl can dream I guess. I need an overlocker more… 🙂